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Marina Timoshenko

Content head at Noji

Marina Timoshenko

Marina is a Ukrainian-born writer and content strategist juggling life between Paris and Athens (which means she’s learning French and Greek with flashcards!). At uni, she studied Politics and International Relations, which have shaped her life over the past decade as someone coming from a war zone. Even beyond academia, Marina is convinced that a good deck of flashcards is the perfect tool for the ADHD era, and she’s all for getting more people to give them a try. Sure thing, she tries to “replace scrolling with learning” herself, too. At Noji, her goal is to create content that’s human and thoughtful so that dear strangers on the Internet feel seen and welcomed. When Marina is not glued to her computer, you’ll find her on a yoga mat, reading/watching something très niche, or working on occasional art projects.


Marina Timoshenko

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